ICI Indexed Cardiology Journal


Instructions to Authors

Indian Journal of Cardiology (IJC) is an official publication of Indian Society of cardiology (ISC). It is published quarterly. Life members of ISC get free distribution. while online version an open access free of cost source to medical fraternity. Articles pertaining to cardiovascular medicine and therapeutics which include original research articles, reviews, update articles (Invited & Uninvited), brief communications and rare case documentations with clear relevance to art of cardiovascular medicine and make a significant contribution to the existing state of knowledge in a particular field, will be published. One of the authors should be a life member of the society.

It can be done via either online or offline mode. however authors are strongly encouraged to submit manuscript through online mode only for faster processing.
Address for offline submission :
Dr . R. K. Gokhroo
Heart Center,
Nr. Jawahar Rangmanch, Anasagar
Link Road. Ajmer(Raj)-305001
Address for online submission :
E-mail : info@iscindia.co.in
E-mail : drrajendragokhroo@yahoo.in

Manuscripts including figures (in triplicate) should be addressed to Dr. R.K. Gokhroo, Editor in Chief, Indian Journal of Cardiology, at above mentioned address by registered post / speed post.

Manuscript should be submitted with the undertaking that they are not under consideration else where and have not been reported earlier partly/totally. Submission of a manuscript indicates tacit acknowledgement that all authors have made significant contributions to the study and have read and approved the content. Any change in authorship following the original submission must be justified and agreed to in writing by the affected author(s). Manuscripts will be acknowledged upon receipt.
'During correspondence, please indicate the number assigned to the manuscript.'
Manuscript will be evaluated critically by the editorial board with the help of experts. Acceptance for publication is based on—(1) Originality of contribution; (2) Proper analysis of scientific data; (3) Clarity of presentation and (4) Ethically acceptable design of the study.

All accepted manuscripts are subject to manuscript editing. One copy of the rejected manuscript will be returned. Acceptance of an article implies transfer of the copy right to the Indian Journal of Cardiology.
The authors will be solely responsible for the statements, views and opinions expressed in the journal.

Presentation of manuscript should confirm with the uniform requirements for manuscripts submitted to biomedical journals (for further details—See Ann Intern Med 1988; 108 : 258-265).

All the manuscripts should be organized in the order set forth below. Failure to follow these instructions may result in the manuscript being returned to the author(s) for revision before it is reviewed.

It should be arranged and numbered to the following order : title page, summary, text, reference, tables and legends.

Title Page
This should be concise, informative and eye catching. List (i) the title (ii) the initials followed by the last name of each author, (iii) name of the departments, Institution(s), and laboratory to which the work should be attributed, (iv) foot note indicating address for correspondence.

All authorship must fulfill the criteria of the international committee on Medical Journal Editors (Vancouver agreement, BMJ, 1991 : 302).
The second page should carry summary of not more than 200 words. This should be written for the readership of the clinicians and basic investigators. It should have the background of the study, methods, results and a final statement of the principal conclusion. The data should be presented as numbers rather than percentages. Three to six key words using where possible terms of medical subjects, heading list from Index - Medicus.

It should commence on separate page and should very briefly review the current state of knowledge strictly concerning the topic of the paper. It should also reveal reasons for undertaking the study being reported and what it expected to achieve. No mention should be made of the results obtained or conclusion drawn.

Material and Methods
The material (patients, experimental animals etc.) used for making observations must be described along with all other relevant information. The methods used in the study should be described, giving sufficient information to permit the work to be repeated.

Method of statistical analysis should be specified if used. Standard observations are permitted. Abbreviations if used should be properly defined in the first instance.
Statements should preferably be supported by not more than five references.
All references should be consecutively superscribed and not written in Parenthesis. Avoid using full stops between abbreviations. (PET, not P.E.T.).

Results should be presented in logical sequence in the text, tables and illustrations. The data presented in the tables or figures should not be repeated in the text, only important and significant observations should be highlighted.

This should be limited to significance of the results obtained and what can and what cannot be concluded and why? Results should be discussed in the light of other synonymous works in that field. Negative studies should be included to give a balanced view to the readers. Speculative and pure theoretical discussions not related to the results presented will not be accepted. Cite tables and illustrations/ figures by numbers.

Acknowledge the source(s) of support in the form of grants, equipments, drugs or all of these; as well as person(s) who have made substantive contributions to the study. All acknowledgements must be grouped into one page after discussion.

References should be numbered consecutively in Arabic numerical in the order in which they are first mentioned in the text. They should be typed in double space on separate new page.
Accuracy of references is the sole liability of the authors.
Use the style and pattern for abbreviations given in the index medicus. Unpublished work should not be cited in the reference, but may be cited fully parenthetically within the text.
Reference from Journal
List all the authors when there are six or less but when there are seven or more, list the first three, then et al. The title of the journal should be abbreviated accordingly to the style used in the index medicus. Examples of correct form of references are given here :
Articles from Journal
Author(s), title, Journal, year of publication, volume, page number of the beginning as well as end of the article quoted e.g. Gokhroo RK, Mittal SR, Acute right ventricular infarction without inferior posterior left ventricular infarcts : Int J Cardiol 1989; 24: 115

Reference from Book
Author(s), title, edition, city of Publication, year of publication and publisher, the first page of citation e.g. Moss AJ & Adams FH : Heart diseases in infants, children & adolescents, 3rd edition, Baltimore, 1968, Williams & Wilkins, 81.

Chapter in Book:
Author(s), chapter title, book title, edition, editor(s), city of publications, year and publisher e.g. Lieberman E : Hypertension in childhood & Adolescence : Clinical hypertension, 6th edition, Kaplan, Norman M., Baltimore 1994, Williams & Wilkins.

Each table should be numbered and typed in double space on a separate sheet. They should have an underlined title followed by a legend if any. Abbreviations, if used should be explained in footnote. The data presented should not be duplicated in the text and figures. The approximate position of each table in the text should be indicated in the margin of manuscript.

Resolution : Journal quality reproduction will require grayscale and color files at resolutions yielding approximately 300ppi. Bitmapped line art should be submitted at resolutions yielding 600-1200 ppi.

All Illustrations should be numbered and cited in the text. Legends should be provided for each illustrations listed on a separate page. All figures should bear authors name, short title and an arrow indicating top of the figure in pencil on the back of the photographs, Drawings and charts must be prepared with Indian Ink. Photographs and diagrams should be sent in separate envelops.

Two-dimensional echocardiograms obtained from the apical or sub coastal positions should be presented in the anatomical orientation. That is, the apex should be at the bottom of the illustration and the atria at the top (Option #1, American Society of Echocardiography).

A limited number of color figures that are of critical importance and that significantly enhance the presentation will be considered for publication at the author's expense. Color separations or transparencies (negatives or positives) are optimal. Color slides are preferable to color prints. Any cropping of the color figure should be clearly indicated. Final decision on publication of color figures will be at the discretion of the Editor.

Offline Submission :
Manuscripts including figures (in triplicate) should be addressed to Dr. R.K. Gokhroo, Editor in Chief, Indian Journal of Cardiology, Heart Center, Nr. Jawahar Rangmanch, Anasagar Link Road. Ajmer(Raj)-305001 INDIA with registered post.

Manuscripts must be type written on one side, double spaced with side margin on A-4 size good quality bond paper.
Glossy print photographs (in triplicate) in a size of 10 × 8 cms. on good black and white contrast is needed for better reproduction.

The Indian Journal of Cardiology strongly encourages authors to deliver the revised version of their manuscripts (text, tables and, if possible, illustrations) on diskette.

Storage medium : CD-ROM in IBM MS-DOS, Windows. Software and format, Page Maker is preferred, although manuscripts prepared using any other microcomputer word processor are acceptable. Refrain from complex formatting : the Publisher will style your manuscript according to the Indian Journal of Cardiology design specifications.

File names : Submit the text and tables of each manuscript as a single file. Name each file with your last name (up to eight letters). Text files should be given the three-letter extension that identifies the file format. Labels : Label all diskettes with your name, the file name, and the word-processing program and version used.
Paper copy : Accompany all files with a printed paper copy.

Storage medium : Submit as separate files from text files, on separate CD-ROM. Software and format : The preferred formats are TIFF or EPS with pict or tiff preview, although any format that is in general use that is not application-specific is acceptable. PageMaker 6.5 is preferred.

File names : Illustration files should be given the 2-or 3-letter extension that identifies the file format used (i.e. TIFF, EPS, RGB, etc.).
Labels : Label all diskettes and cartridges with your name, the file names, formats, sizes and compression schemes (if any) used. Hard copy output must accompany all files.
Manuscripts and illustrations not conforming to the style of this journal will be returned to the author for reworking, thus delaying their appearance.

Oline Submission :- Manuscript prepared as above instructions can be submitted to
E-mail : info@iscindia.co.in
E-mail : drrajendragokhroo@yahoo.in

No article can be published in IJC unless accompanied by a signed publication agreement, which serves as a transfer of copyright from author to publisher. A publication agreement may be obtained from the editor / publisher or downloaded from here:
Click Here
A copy of the publication agreement appears in most issues of the journal. Only original papers will be accepted, and copyright in published papers will be vested in the publisher.

To insure originality, we request that if any preliminary publication other than an abstract or fewer than 200 words has occurred or is contemplated, a copy of the manuscript or abstract should accompany the article submitted to Indian Journal or Cardiology.
If illustrations, tables, or text from a previously published work are used, written permission from the authors and publisher must be submitted with the paper. It is assumed by the editor that article emanating from a particular institution are submitted with the approval of requisite authority, including all matters pertaining to human experimentation.

Statements and conclusions drawn from accepted manuscripts are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the editorial staff. The editor and publisher disclaim responsibility or liability for such material. Similarly, the editorial staff and publisher do not guarantee, warrant, or endorse any product or service advertised on this publication.